Monday, March 30, 2015

Don't Wait, Start now!

It's almost Summertime! 
You know what that means? 
Time to dust off that dreadful swim suit!
Say whaaaat?
But, sunshine, sun bathing, and swimming pools should be exciting, not dreadful!

Well, you still have time to get that 'summer bod' you've been dreaming of.

That's just it. 
You think you "still have time," so you can put it off just a little longer.
Don't put a time limit on your health.
The time starts now and ends..NEVER. 
No fad diets or 30 day cleanse.
This is LIFE. 

Whatever your fitness goals may be, healthy is what you should strive for. 
Don't compare yourself to others. 
Love who you are. 
Put in the work and results will follow.

Strive for progress not perfection. 
Sometimes we are blinded by advertisements perfect poses, good lighting, and professional photography/editing on social media to where we lose sight of what is really important.
Our health.

In 2013, it happened to me.
 I was one of those people blinded by social media. 
I wanted the thigh gap, protruding hip bones, and the flattest stomach. 
I ate little to no carbs, low calorie meals, and cardio was my bae. 
I wanted to become the skinny stick figure girls I followed on Instagram. 
To me, I was never skinny enough. 
It's a disease. An awful disease. 
And looking back now, I feel as if my case was one of the rather mild ones. I can't even begin to imagine what some girls go through.

Stop comparing yourself to others. 
YOU are your only competition, and you're competing in a competition called, LIFE!
Everyone's body is different and requires different ingredients in order to maintain a healthy cycle. Find what works for you and commit. 

I hope this gets you up and motivated to start your week off on the right foot! Happy Motivational Monday!

If you need ANY help with getting started with your diet or exercise, contact me via Facebook, email, text, however you need to, I am here to help.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Increasing Your Metabolism

To increase your metabolism...
Add these boosters to your daily routine

Eat (a good) breakfast
...just a coffee or a granola bar isn't going to cut it.

..I put cinnamon on almost EVERYTHING. 

 Lemons ...add to your water.

Cayenne Pepper
...use with CAUTION

 Protein packed meals 
...add whey protein to your diet 

Foods high in fiber
...fills you up faster and helps with burning calories 

Eat smaller portions every 3 hours
...eating smaller meals every couple of hours keeps the stomach happy and metabolism revved up. 

HIIT workouts
..after a HIIT workout, your body still burns fat, increasing your metabolism. 

Water, Water, Water
...drink LOTS of water throughout the day to boost your metabolism.