Recent Progress

 I created a 'Transformation' page to share my results [from overtime] and to motivate and inspire others.
One thing I've learned is...
[Patience is definitely a virtue in the fitness world]
*C-Note: I do NOT eat 100% clean all the time, I take at least 1-2 days off from the gym every week, and the only supplements I use are aminos/bcaa's and whey protein.
Sure, there are about 724937 more things I could do differently to reach my goal, but I don't completely restrict myself, I love a good "cheat" meal on the weekend, and I'm not training for a fitness competition.... yet. ;)

My fitness goals are more than likely different than yours, so my approach on fitness may or may not be for you. It has taken me well over a year with several obstacles {moving multiple times for my job, finding the right eating method, and learning the proper workouts} to see this amount of progress. So don't get discouraged with slow progress. Consistency is key. Results will come. Trust the process.

Just a little about my goals... future and current......

In the near future, I want to obtain my CPT license and begin training clients online. Eventually, I would love to write a cook book. Yeah, I can dream pretty big, but "dreams don't work unless you do."

Arms are definitely my weakest area. I'll be honest, they only look "bigger" when I flex...and I mean reaaaally flex. Main goal for 2015....grow tree trunks for arms.

I have always had chicken legs. No muscle. No curves. No booty. Nothing. Nada.
So, I started going 'HAM' on this muscle group, forgetting about the other muscle groups; I was obsessed with leg day, but for the longest time I wasn't doing the proper exercises to make a difference. I stopped the excessive running, or any long session of cardio, incorporated carbs into my diet, and began lifting heavy. Or.. heavier than I was.

        Yeah, I may not have the flattest stomach with rock solid abs or a skinny waist {yet} *staying positive*....but I live a healthy, well-balanced lifestyle, and I wouldn't change that for the world. I only want to inspire others that results will come with hard work and consistency. Prepare yourself mentally; the physical will come. Don't give up! Trust the process.

On to 2015! Big things to come...

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions! I'm ready to go through the journey with you.
I encourage you to take progress pictures along the way. I promise you it will help!
Visit my "Contact" tab on my home page and let's get to work!

*C-Note*  Courtney Note: When I want to rant or make comments.#dealwithit

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